Evo Integral INOX DN 100 | Evo Aqua
Evo Aqua GmbH deals with the topic rainwater harvesting and stormwater treatment and offers one of the widest ranges worldwide to protect our most valuable resource of water .
rainwater harvesting, stormwater treatment, rainwater system
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Evo Integral INOX DN 100

Item No. 1200500

Rainwater filter for the installation inside the rainwater tank

The inclined filter insert made of high stainless steel, flushes the incoming pollution into the overflow and your cleaned water will flow into your rainwater tank.

Advantage of our Evo Integral INOX is the low height difference of 40 mm between inlet and outlet.

The purified water flows vertically into the rainwater tank.

Connectable area: 213 m2
Connection: DN 100
Mesh size: 0,70 mm

Regenwasserzisterne mit Siphonfilter in grün - Regenwasser nutzen